Bentley School



With the help of Trickster Theatre, we would like to create a theatrical performance involving all of the students that explores the theme of “Giving”. We often think of giving in terms of money and one’s ability to give a certain amount. But the act of giving means so much more. It means time, attention, compassion, presence, wisdom and a multitude of other things. And better yet, it’s available to each and every person. Each class would create their own play exploring a more specific sub theme connected to “Giving”. Some examples of these themes in conjunction with a story idea could be: How do I give back to myself, my family, my friends, my community, my world?

Once each class has chosen a specific sub-theme and setting, the students would work with the Tricksters to develop the story, script, choreography, prop development, sound development, and would end with every student performing in the show and sharing their theatrical creation with the community.

350 Students participating