Saipoyi School

The Stories of Place


In our artist in residency project with Trickster Theatre, we plan on looking at the theme “The Stories of Place.” Through this theme, our students will have a chance to engage in discussions and create theatre about the place we live, as well as other places.
Students will work with Elders and community members before Trickster arrives for the weeklong residency to find out more about their culture and the past history of the Kainai Nation. They will spend time out on the land. They will then express these connections with Trickster Theatre by creating a final performance where all the students become actors.

Every class in our school will pick a different topic to create a piece on. One class might choose to create a piece celebrating family connections and the passing on of traditions and ceremonies that take place in various locations on the land. Another class might create a piece that discusses how technology is affecting the land, or how animals, bird and fish patterns have changed. We would look at how our lifestyle patterns change our sense of belonging to the land, particularly with regard to electronic devices. We will also focus on what happens when we really listen to the land. We will also look at the stories that come from other places. This might mean looking at the rest of the province or other parts of Canada, so that we can compare some of these stories with the ones
that come from the land we live on.

350 Students participating